"In Repair" and "Life" appear with narration from Ray Kurzweil's book The Age of Spiritual Machines, which inspired the album Spiritual Machines, on which the two song were featured.
Band members have stated that the album is directly influenced by sci-fi author William Gibson and inventor-futurist Ray Kurzweil.
It has been speculated by futurologist Ray Kurzweil that by the end of the 21st century it might be possible by using femtotechnology to create new chemical elements composed of exotic baryons that would eventually constitute a new periodic table of elements in which the elements would have completely different properties than the regular chemical elements.
: Ray Kurzweil vs. the Critics of Strong A.I. by Jay W. Richards, George Gilder, Ray Kurzweil, Thomas Ray, John Searle, William Dembski, Michael Denton.
Ray Kurzweil (born 1948), American inventor, author and futurist
The list presented by Morano in his minority 2007-2008 report has been criticized by Joseph J. Romm for including a significant number of people who are not sufficiently well-qualified to assess climate science, such as author Ray Kurzweil and a number of TV meteorologists, such as Steve Baskerville, as well as scientists whose expertise is in geomagnetism.
Both Frank J. Tipler in his 1994 Omega Point Theory, and Ray Kurzweil in his 2005 book The Singularity is Near, have suggested that the human race will soon (by the mid 21st century) evolve into transhuman immortal humanoid robots which will work to eventually turn the entire universe into a gigantic supercomputer.
Veneer has included contributions from contemporary artists, writers, inventors, technicians, and musicians such as Adrian Piper, George Kuchar, GoodiePal, Lucky Dragons, Elaine Sturtevant, Kevin Kelly and Ray Kurzweil.
Ray Charles | Ray Bradbury | X-ray | Man Ray | Satyajit Ray | Stevie Ray Vaughan | Ray Milland | Ray Liotta | Ray Davies | Sugar Ray Leonard | Billy Ray Cyrus | Ray Stevens | Blu-ray Disc | Ray Winstone | Ray Kurzweil | X-ray crystallography | Ray Brown (musician) | Ray Bolger | Ray Mears | Sugar Ray Robinson | Ray Anderson | Nicholas Ray | Lexemuel Ray Hesler | Sugar Ray | Ray | Ray Manzarek | Ray Brown | Ray Anderson (musician) | Ted Ray | Ray Conniff |
The ten 'most important futures works' recognized by the APF in that year included Peter Schwartz's The Art of the Long View, Wendell Bell's Foundations of Futures Studies: Human Science for a New Era, Bertrand de Jouvenel's L'Art de la Conjecture (The Art of Conjecture), and Ray Kurzweil's The Age of Spiritual Machines.
As of this writing Ptolemy is scheduled to produce and appear in a panel discussion called Transcendent Man LIVE with Ray Kurzweil, Steve Wozniak, Deepak Chopra, Dean Kamen, Michio Kaku, Tan Le with special appearances by Vice President Al Gore, Bill Maher, Quincy Jones and Elon Musk.
NFB has partnered with Kurzweil Educational Systems, a company founded by noted inventor and futurist Ray Kurzweil, to develop a completely portable reading machine: the Kurzweil-National Federation of the Blind Reader.
Sensory Singularity, together with Marvin Minsky and Ray Kurzweil, Mann proposed the theory of the "Sensularity" Sensory Singularity.