
3 unusual facts about Bogdan Popović

Bogdan Popović

He developed a Leibnitzian conception of the oneness of the universe, and he may have tried to make art fit into this scheme.

Bogdan Popović published his Anthology of Modern Serbian Lyric (Antologija novije srpske lirike) in 1911, the first attempt to create a literary canon of the most significant poems down the ages.

Branko Radičević

Seventy-four years later, literary critics Pavle Popović and his brother Bogdan Popović found that in this poetic fragment "there is no poetry whatsoever" and that it "merits no compliment of any kind."

see also

Stanislav Vinaver

As for satire, Vinaver’s style was endlessly witty and humorous, with unexpected turnovers, fresh and innovative expression and a subtle sense of grotesque, most apparent in his “Panthology of new Serbian Pelengyrics” (pelen, sr. – wormwood), a mockery of Bogdan Popović’s “Anthology of new Serbian lyrics”.