
2 unusual facts about Bolje da nosim kratku kosu

Bolje da nosim kratku kosu

Serbian punk band Atheist Rap recorded a cover version of the song as a part of the Pekinška Patka cover versions mix entitled "Plitka poezija".

"Bolje da nosim kratku kosu" (trans. I better wear my hair short) is the second single by the Serbian punk rock band Pekinška Patka.


see also

Plitka poezija

Serbian punk rock band Atheist Rap, on their debut album Maori i Crni Gonzales, recorded five-minute the track "Plitka poezija", featuring a medley of songs from the album, including "Bela šljiva", "Kratkovidi magarac", "Bolje da nosim kratku kosu", "Biti ružan, pametan i mlad", "Ori, ori" and "Never my love".