
unusual facts about Bonnell


Mount Bonnell, a prominent point alongside Lake Austin in Austin, Texas

Barry Bonnell

As an accomplished aviator with a lifelong passion for flying, Bonnell pursued a career in aviation after exiting Major League Baseball during the All-Star Break in 1986.

Belcher-Ogden Mansion-Price, Benjamin-Price-Brittan Houses District

Bonnell served as a member of the General Assembly of the Province of New Jersey in 1692 and the last official reference to him is as a signer of the 1696 petition for relief against the oppression of the Lords Proprietor.


Sarah Bonnell (d.1768) left at her death £3,500 in public funds for the endowment of a charity school for girls in West Ham, still surviving as the Sarah Bonnell School, the oldest girls' school in England.

see also