
unusual facts about Bookkeeping

Elias Howe Company

The principals at that time were Elias's sons Willam H. and Edward F. Howe, who served as president and treasurer, respectively, and their sister Harriet Howe who was the company bookkeeper.

Attawapiskat First Nation

CBC correspondent Terry Milewski reported that the auditors did "not allege fraud" but raised "questions about bookkeeping" on the part of the federal government and the Band.

George S. Boutwell

As Treasury Secretary, Boutwell's primary achievements were reorganizing and reforming the Treasury Department, improving bookkeeping by customs houses, incorporating the United States Mint into the Treasury and reducing the national debt.

Momentum accounting and triple-entry bookkeeping

Momentum accounting and triple-entry bookkeeping is an alternative accountancy system developed by Yuji Ijiri and is the title of the 1989 monograph that he wrote.

National Tax Agency

To foster the practice of bookkeeping, the blue return system was introduced in 1950 as a part of comprehensive tax reform based on the recommendations of Dr. Carl Shoup.


Single-entry bookkeeping system, a method of bookkeeping relying on a one sided accounting entry to maintain financial information

see also