7 December – Battle of Bornhöved, part of the War of the Sixth Coalition, is fought Danish troops and Swedish cavalry at the small village of Bornhöft in the Duchy of Schleswig and results in Swedish victory.
It rises near Bornhöved on the hill of Grimmelsberg by the road from Bornhöved to Tarbek in a meadow and in the mill pond of Bornhöved.
This use of different names came about as a result of a mistake by the cartographer, Caspar Danckwerth, who, in 1652, gave the real Schwentine — associated with Sventanafeld, the field of battle at the Battle of Bornhöved, different names such as the Bornhöved Bornau, Depenau, Kühren Au and Mühlenau.
Neighbouring villages (clockwise beginning north) are Rendswühren, Bornhöved, Trappenkamp, Rickling and Groß Kummerfeld.
Ludwig Ross (22 July 1806, Bornhöved – 6 August 1859) was a German classical archaeologist.
The field chosen for this action, was in the neighborhood of the town of Bornhöved in Holstein.
But after the Battle of Leipzig he went his own way, determined at all hazards to cripple Denmark and to secure Norway, defeating the Danes at Bornhöved in December.