
9 unusual facts about Bouaké

2002 WAFU Nations Cup

The tournament was finally arranged for Sep 18–29, 2002, to be held in Ivory Coast (in Abidjan and Bouaké; the latter venue being added at the last moment).

Cyril Domoraud

In 2001, Domoraud founded his own football school in Bouaké, the Cyril Domoraud Centre.

First Ivorian Civil War

On 29 June, rockets were fired at Soro's plane at the airport in Bouaké, significantly damaging the plane.

On 4 November, Ivorian President Laurent Gbagbo ordered air strikes against rebels, and Ivorian aircraft began a bombardment of Bouaké.

Lassina Diabaté

Lassina Diabaté (born September 16, 1974 in Bouaké, Côte d'Ivoire) is a former Ivorian football player.He played for Côte d'Ivoire and a few clubs in Europe.

Mbre language

Mbre, also spelled Bre, Bεrε, Pre, is an endangered language spoken not far from the city of Bouaké, Ivory Coast.

Operation Unicorn

On 6 November 2004, the Ivorian governmental air force carried out an attack on the French position in Bouaké, causing nine deaths and 37 wounded in the French Military (2nd Marine Infantry Regiment (2 RIMa), the Régiment d'infanterie-chars de marine (RICM, a light armoured regiment), 505th transport and logistics regiment).

Régiment d'infanterie-chars de marine

On 6 November 2004, an air attack by Ivory Coast forces on the lycée Descartes at Bouaké killed nine French soldiers and one American civilian taking refuge in this site occupied by the groupement's Train de Combat N°2.

Simone Gbagbo

In September 2008, Gbagbo engaged in a two-week tour of the central part of the country, concluding the tour on 14 September in the city of Bouaké.


Bouaké |

Bouaké Airport

On June 29, 2007, Guillaume Soro, the prime minister of Côte d'Ivoire, was targeted by rocket and Kalashnikov fire upon his landing at the Bouaké Airport.

see also