
unusual facts about Bouillon


Vivy (Belgium), a town in Belgium, now part of the municipality of Bouillon

Adam de ireys

"...He accompanied Godfrey of Bouillon (aka Godefroi de Bouillon) to the Holy Land on the First Crusade, and had an active part in the taking of Jerusalem in 1099.

Duke of Bouillon

In the wake of the French Revolution, the French Revolutionary Army invaded the Duchy of Bouillon in 1794, creating the short-lived Republic of Bouillon.

Girl with a Red Hat

It was bought at a sale at the Hôtel de Bouillon, in Paris on December 10, 1822 (no. 28.) by Baron Louis Marie Baptiste Atthalin (1784-1856), then owned by inheritance to his nephew and adopted son, Laurent Atthalin; by inheritance to Baron Gaston Laurent-Atthelin (died 1911), Les Moussets, Limey, Seine-et-Oise; by inheritance to his wife, Baroness Laurent-Atthelin of Paris.

Hubert Detremmerie

Together with Wilfried Martens, Alfons Verplaetse, and Jef Houthuys, he met at Poupehan between 1982 and 1987 to discuss the social and economic situation of Belgium.

Lords of Bouillon

The collection included e.g. the allod villages of Bellevaux, Mogimont, Senseruth, and Assenois, the advocacy of the monastery of Saint-Hubert and Ardennes, and the land to the south of Bouillon, formerly the land of the abbey of Mouzon, now held as a fief of the Archbishop of Reims.


In this method, fruit flies were attracted to a mixture of wine, vinegar, yeast bouillon, and sorbitol, a substance easily chemically prepared from glucose.

see also