Boule de Suif's personal resistance grows throughout the story; when the coach is stopped by the Germans at the village of Tôtes, the other passengers meekly follow the officer's orders while Boule de Suif refuses to co-operate as easily.
During the first half of the story, the narrator explains the background of each of the occupants, with particular emphasis on the petty bourgeois Democrat, Cornudet, who is said to have devised all manner of defences for Rouen.
The story is set in the Franco-Prussian War and follows a group of French residents of Rouen, recently occupied by the Prussian army.
It was a silent black and white film based on the novel Boule de Suif by Guy de Maupassant where she starred as Madame Loiseau.
Faina Ranevskaya is more known to a wide audience as a cinema actress by her performance in such films as Pyshka (Boule de Suif), The Man in a Shell, Mechta (Dream), Vesna (Spring), Zolushka (Cinderella), Elephant and String and many more.