
2 unusual facts about Boutique law firm

Boutique law firm

Additionally, Alexandria-based IP boutique Burns, Doane, Swecker & Mathis merged with Pittsburgh-based Buchanan, Ingersoll & Rooney in 2005, Cushman, Darby & Cushman was absorbed by national firm Pillsbury Winthrop Shaw Pittman (then Pillsbury, Madison & Sutro), Houston-based Arnold, White & Durkee merged with Howrey (then Howrey & Simon), and Los Angeles-based Lyon & Lyon dissolved in 2002.

Looking beyond U.S. borders, litigation law firms based in Europe include Tiberghien, Oppenhoff & Partner and Tedioli, and based in Canada, Adler Bytensky Prutschi Shikhman specializes in criminal law.

Big Five law firms

Golden Circle, a term used for example, by The Economist, or Silver Circle coined by The Lawyer magazine in 2005 to describe mid-market or boutique law firms in the UK with profits per partner levels similar to those of the Magic Circle but being much smaller in terms of overall turnover and numbers of lawyers

Big Six law firms

Golden Circle (used by The Economist, for example; also Silver Circle, which was coined by The Lawyer magazine in 2005): mid-market or boutique law firms in the UK with profits per partner levels similar to those of the Magic Circle but being much smaller in terms of overall turnover and numbers of lawyers

see also