
5 unusual facts about Bovey Tracey

Bovey Tracey

During the English Civil War on 9 January 1646, Oliver Cromwell and a contingent of his Roundhead army entered Bovey Tracey after dark and caught part of Lord Wentworth's Regiment by surprise, catching a number of officers playing cards in an inn.

Carew Reynell

Reynell was the son of Richard Reynell (d.1585) of East Ogwell, Devon, and his wife Agnes Southcote, daughter of John Southcote of Bovey Tracey, Devon.

Colin Docker

A keen photographer, he retired to Bovey Tracey in 1991, where he continues to serve the church as an honorary assistant bishop within the Diocese of Exeter.

Oswald Heer

In 1863 (with William Pengelly, Phil. Trans., 1862) he investigated the plant-remains from the lignite-deposits of Bovey Tracey in Devon, regarding them as of Miocene age; but they are now classed as Eocene.

Trwyn Du Lighthouse

One of the many Lighthouse keepers was Joseph Steer, born in 1831 at Bovey Tracey, Devon.

Terence Otway

In August 1939, during three months leave, Otway married Stella Whitehead, daughter of Basil Whitehead of Bovey Tracey, Devon, a retired Colonial Police Officer, who had been Chief of Police in Penang, Malaya.

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