
3 unusual facts about Bradbury Robinson

Bradbury Robinson

:One of the first-cabin passengers who arrived yesterday from Liverpool...on the White Star liner Adriatic was Dr. Bradbury N. Robinson of the United States Public Health Service, who has been in England for two years assisting British officials at Liverpool and other ports in the examination of emigrants.

In France, he became an instructor at the Inter-Allied Tank School in Recloses, until his battalion was ordered to the front on November 1, 1918, ten days before the Armistice.

Louis Dewis

In 1919 Dewis' older daughter, Yvonne Marie (1898 - 1966 in St. Petersburg, Florida), married Bradbury Robinson (1884–1949), a widowed American army officer and medical doctor who had remained in Europe after World War I to study medical techniques and to work for the United States Public Health Service.

see also