
2 unusual facts about Bradley Shavit Artson

Bradley Shavit Artson

As an undergraduate, he served as the LBJ Intern for United States Representative Burton and was an intern for United States Senator Alan Cranston.

He is also Dean of the Zecharias Frankel College at the University of Potsdam, Germany, ordaining Conservative/Masorti rabbis for the European Union under the religious supervision of the Ziegler School of Rabbinic Studies.

Process theology

Today some rabbis who advocate some form of process theology include Bradley Shavit Artson, Lawrence A. Englander, William E. Kaufman, Harold Kushner, Anton Laytner, Michael Lerner, Gilbert S. Rosenthal, Lawrence Troster, Donald B. Rossoff, Burton Mindick, and Nahum Ward.

see also