
unusual facts about Bramante


Donato Bramante |

Cloisters of Sant'Ambrogio

The project involved a large square with four cloisters, but only two were built: the cloister ion (as close to the church) was built under the direction of Cristoforo Solari until 1513, and the Doric cloister, built in 1620-1630 on Bramante model.

Notable is the restoration of the cloisters by Bramante; century refectory of the former became Great Hall, where he wanted to, on the Brera, the wall fresco by Callisto Piazza (1545) inspired by the Wedding at Cana, the library and chapel, with modulated by high walls sculptures Manzù.

Donato Bramante

In Milan, Bramante also built the tribune of Santa Maria delle Grazie (1492–99); other early works include the Cloisters of Sant'Ambrogio, Milan (1497–1498), and some other constructions in Pavia and possibly Legnano.

Loreto, Marche

Loreto's main monuments occupy the four sides of the piazza: the college of the Jesuits, the Palazzo Comunale (formerly the Palazzo Apostolico), designed by Bramante, with an art gallery with works of Lorenzo Lotto, Vouet and Annibale Carracci as well as a collection of maiolica, and the Shrine of the Holy House (Santuario della Santa Casa).

Osvaldo Mariscotti

Mariscotti's works have been featured at the 9th Florence Biennale held at the historical "Fortezza da Basso" and the 10th Rome Biennale held at the prestigious "Sale di Bramante" (Piazza del Popolo).

see also