In the 1950s and 60s, Brancaster was considered as a possible location for the launching site for the British space programme.
She was a coast-hugging general cargo ship which would have worked the crossings between the east coast of England and through to the Baltic states.
The wreck that can be seen off the harbour is the 1021grt coaster SS Vina which was used for target practice by the RAF before accidentally sinking in 1944.
The regiment remained in Britain into the 4th century, as it left an inscription in the Saxon Shore fort of Branodunum (Brancaster, Norfolk).
In the following October he was rewarded by the king (who exercised the right of presentation during the vacancy in the abbacy) with the vicarage of the parish which was doubtless his birthplace, Brancaster in Norfolk, and on 29 May 1208 was appointed prebendary of Lidington in Lincoln Cathedral.