
unusual facts about Braničevo


Dorotheus of Hilandar

Prince Lazar confirmed large properties in the area of town of Kruševac and Braničevo area.

Kingdom of Syrmia

In roughly 1291 and with the help of Milutin, Stefan Dragutin expanded his territory by annexing regions of Braničevo and Kučevo, whose Bulgarian rulers Darman and Kudelin recently became independent from the Kingdom of Hungary.


The Bulgarian boyar families, the Shishmans in Vidin Dormans in Braniċevo, the Asen dynasty and Terter dynasty were of Kuman extraction, and must have settled in these regions after the large immigration of 1241.

Stefan Nemanja

Without difficulties the Hungaro-Serbian military pushed the Greeks out of the Valley of Morava, advanced all the way to Sofia, raiding Belgrade, Braničevo, Ravno, Niš and Sophia itself.

see also