With his main army in Scutari, Bushatli advanced to Podgorica, in the meantime, near the Montenegrin borders, a rather large number of forces were stationed due to the concentration of attacks towards Montenegro and Brda.
The waterways from the German-Polish border (Oder River, through the Warta, Brda and Noteć rivers, Bydgoszcz Canal, Vistula River, Narew River, Bug River) once used to link the Belarus and Ukrainian inland waterways via Mukhavets River, Dnieper–Bug Canal, Pripyat River and Dnieper River), thus connecting north-western Europe with the Black Sea.
To the Serbs of Montenegro the peace counted for little: the pattern of raids and counter-attacks continued unabated with the Serb Brda tribesmen taking the brunt of Turkish reprisals.
Brda |
In Slovenia, the upper Soča valley and the Brda area was particularly affected, with the village of Breginj nearly completely demolished.