
unusual facts about Breaking In

see also

68 Pages

His award-winning films The Pink Mirror, Yours Emotionally, and 68 Pages are at the forefront of India’s emergent queer cinema movement — ground-breaking in a country where homosexuality is illegal and socially unacceptable.

John McPherson

It was the first general election Labor would stand at, resulting in conservative and liberal leaning MPs breaking in two, as well as unidentified groupings and independents.

The Adventure of the Greek Interpreter

Breaking in, they discover Melas and Kratides bound in a closed room where some charcoal has been lit to gas the two of them.

The Movie from the Future

The set-up is you are watching an Unsolved Mysteries type program about a video tape found in a crater with a note reading "From Future." Most of the movie consists of the contents of the tape with various experts breaking in to offer their opinions on the validity of the tape or whether it is a hoax.

Twentieth Anniversary Macintosh

The computer used in Jasper's hideout, in the film Children of Men, to show the video feeds of intruders breaking in is a TAM.

United States Naval Computing Machine Laboratory

All told, the laboratory constructed 121 bombes which were then employed for code-breaking in the US Navy's signals intelligence and cryptanalysis group OP-20-G in Washington, D.C..