
unusual facts about Breisach

Berthold V, Duke of Zähringen

In exchange for this renunciation, Berthold gained territorial concessions in what is now southern Germany and northern Switzerland, consolidating Zähringer hold over the Ortenau, the Breisgau, Schaffhausen, Breisach and All Saints' Abbey.


Breisach |

Herman III, Duke of Swabia

He took control of key places in Swabia himself (including, Hohentwiel, Breisach and Zürich), and replaced the ducal mint with a royal mint.

Johann Philipp d'Arco

D'Arco was born in Arco, Trentino, and already had 30 years distinguished service when he was ordered by Louis William, Margrave of Baden-Baden in 1703 to defend Breisach to the last man against a French attack under Villars.

see also