It connects various places between Bremervörde and Kiel with relation to the history of ferries and crossing of rivers, like the historic transporter bridges in Osten and Rendsburg.
By 1111 the Saxon Duke Lothair of Supplinburg, later king of the Holy Roman Empire, erected castrum vorde, the Vörde Castle at an Oste ford, important for the Oxen Way, an ancient trackway connecting Jutland with Westphalia.
After leaving the Bremerhaven – Hamburg route, which is still used by passenger trains, it heads southwards into a region of sprawling geest countryside with numerous pine woods, running parallel to the B 71 through Bevern, Deinstedt, Selsingen, past the former concentration camp at Sandbostel, through Seedorf and Godenstedt to Zeven.
To begin with it is one of the east-west links across the Elbe-Weser Triangle and runs in a gentle curve via Bremervörde (48 km, briefly with the B 74) and Zeven (71 km) over the Hansa Line A 1 (83 km) to the district town of Rotenburg (Wümme) (97 km).
EVB Eisenbahnen und Verkehrsbetriebe Elbe-Weser GmbH is a German railway and bus company offering passenger and freight services that is headquartered in Zeven and Bremervörde.
In 1575, he married Anna von Broich in Hagen im Bremischen, the daughter of a city councillor of Cologne, and died in 1585 in an equestrian accident in Vörde.
It connects various places between Bremervörde and Kiel with relation to the history of ferries and crossing of rivers, like the historic transporter bridges in Rendsburg and Osten.
Lauterbacher, who since the end of the war had been interned in the Sandbostel camp near Bremervörde, managed on 25 February 1948 to flee detention owing to circumstances that are still unclear.
Since prince-archiepiscopal forces secured Vörde the Guard circumvented them southerly, not sparing Zeven nunnery.
This sharply defined edge of geest runs northeast through the parish of Ritterhude and the county town of Osterholz-Scharmbeck as far as the region of Bremervörde.