"Bottler" is also a character created by Irish stand-up comedian Brendan Grace; in the comedy sketch, "bottler's" partner-in-crime was called "rasher"
His hit songs include "Cushie Butterfield", "Combine Harvester" (which topped the charts in Ireland in 1975, and which would later become a U.K. number one hit for The Wurzels in 1976), and "The Dutchman".
Born in the heart of Dublin in 1951, Brendan was raised in the inner city Liberties neighborhood.
Brendan Grace is an Irish Comedian who also has a house and a pub called Brendan Graces in Killaloe.
Friends attending the service included Maureen Potter, James Plunkett, Brendan Grace, Maurice O'Doherty, president, Irish Actors' Equity; Seán Ó Síocháin, Chris Casey and Éamonn MacThomáis.
Grace Jones | Amazing Grace | Grace Kelly | Will & Grace | Three Days Grace | Grace Under Fire (TV series) | Grace Under Fire | Brendan Behan | Brendan Fraser | Havre de Grace, Maryland | Grace Moore | Grace | W. G. Grace | Pilgrimage of Grace | Nancy Grace | Brendan Perry | Brendan Byrne | Topher Grace | Havre de Grace | Grace Slick | W. R. Grace and Company | Grace Hopper | Grace Helbig | Grace Episcopal Church | Grace Church | Grace Cathedral, San Francisco | Brendan O'Carroll | Brendan Benson | Grace Wong | Grace Paley |