Initial studies of counterurbanization were carried out by human geographer Brian Berry.
This rediscovery of Kondratiev in English-speaking academia led to his theories being extended for the first time beyond economics as, for example, political scientists such as Joshua Goldstein and geographers such as Brian Berry extended the concept of Kondratiev long waves into their own fields.
Brian Eno | Brian Mulroney | Chuck Berry | Brian May | Brian Wilson | Halle Berry | Brian Ferneyhough | Hugh O'Brian | Brian Williams | Brian Stableford | Brian Aldiss | Brian | What About Brian | Wendell Berry | Brian Clough | Berry Gordy | Brian Stokes Mitchell | Brian Lara | Brian De Palma | Brian Dennehy | Brian Michael Bendis | Brian Lenihan | Brian Cox | Brian Boru | Patrick O'Brian | Knott's Berry Farm | Brian Setzer | Brian McKnight | Brian Evenson | Brian Culbertson |
Well-known economic geographers of this period include William Garrison, Brian Berry, Waldo Tobler, Peter Haggett and William Bunge.