Brian Eno | Brian Mulroney | Brian May | Brian Wilson | Brian Ferneyhough | McLaren | Malcolm McLaren | Hugh O'Brian | Brian Williams | Brian Stableford | Brian Aldiss | Brian | What About Brian | Brian Clough | Brian Stokes Mitchell | Brian Lara | Brian De Palma | Brian Dennehy | Brian Michael Bendis | Brian Lenihan | Brian Cox | Brian Boru | Patrick O'Brian | Brian Setzer | Brian McKnight | Norman McLaren | Brian Evenson | Brian Culbertson | Brian Cox (actor) | Brian Aherne |
Recent popular titles include De-evolution (2006), which discusses how Christians have exited traditional churches to embrace non-traditional/Jewish faith communities and unChristian (2007), which studies how outsiders perceive the church at large and includes contributions from authors like Rick Warren, Brian McLaren, Mike Foster, Sarah Cunningham, Margaret Feinberg, and Rick McKinley.
Before the biblical text, the Green Bible provides an introduction from Archbishop Desmond Tutu and essays from Brian McLaren, Cal DeWitt, Barbara Brown Taylor, Pope John Paul II, Ellen Davis, N. T. Wright, Ellen Bernstein, Matthew Sleeth, James Jones, and Gordon Aeschliman.
It is a study Bible featuring essays by N.T. Wright, Barbara Brown Taylor, Brian McLaren, Matthew Sleeth, Pope John Paul II, and Wendell Berry.