
3 unusual facts about Brit milah

Brit milah

In a Motion for preliminary injunction with intend to sue, filed against New York City Department of Health & Mental Hygiene, affidavits by Doctors Awi Federgruen Professor at the Columbia University Graduate School of Business.

Ezekiel Isaac Malekar

Indian Jews also come here for important rituals like Brit milah, Bar Mitzvah and Bat Mitzvah for girls.

Solomon Perel

As a circumcised Jew, Perel was constantly in danger of being discovered by his military unit, and attempted on several occasions to flee back to the Soviets, each time without success.

Emanuel Feldman

During his nearly 40 years as a congregational rabbi, Feldman spoke out on controversial issues facing the community, including the opening of the Atlanta Jewish Community Center on Shabbat, kashrut, adoption, divorce, autopsy, and circumcision.

see also