
7 unusual facts about Broach


Brooch, also spelled "broach", a decorative item designed to be attached to garments

BROACH warhead, an advanced multi-stage warhead developed by a consortium of British companies

Bharuch, also known as "Broach", a city and district in south Gujarat state in India

Broach spire, a spire that starts on a square base and is carried up to a tapering octagonal spire by means of triangular faces

Govinda III

He was militarily the most successful emperor of the dynasty with successful conquests-from Cape Comorin in the south to Kannauj in the north, from Banaras in the east to Broach (Bharuch) in the west.

Indo-Roman relations

2) the embassy from Broach was accompanied by a Buddhist monk named Germanos,


He constructed rest-houses, gardens and tanks at Bharukachchha (Broach), Dashapura (Mandasor in Malva), Govardhana (near Nasik) and Shorparaga (Sopara in the Thana district).

31 June

An evil warlock, Malgrim, tries to bribe Melicent with a future suiter in exchange for Merlin's magical broach, which can only be effective when passed on as a gift.

BROACH warhead

Development of BROACH began in 1991 when Team BROACH consisted of British Aerospace RO Defence, Thomson-Thorn Missile Electronics and DERA.

Laporte, Colorado

In L. Neil Smith's North American Confederacy series of novels, beginning with The Probability Broach, an alternate-history LaPorte is one of the major cities of North America, occupying roughly half the area of Larimer County, and with a population of over two million people; whereas the city of Denver does not exist: In its place are the two small historic settlements of Saint Charles Town and Auraria.

The Firebird Band

In 2004, Broach left Life at Sea to do a reunion tour for Braid, and then to begin to focus again on finishing The Firebird Band's newest album - The City at Night with John Isberg.

The band was created as a side project by Chris Broach, of Braid notoriety, and his brother Riley Broach in 1996.

see also