
7 unusual facts about Broadcasting House


Publication of this Angkasapuri complex in which the Ministry of Information and Television Department is first placed Broadcasting House.

Appeal of 18 June

Three days later, de Gaulle obtained special permission from Winston Churchill to broadcast a speech via BBC Radio from Broadcasting House over France, despite the British Cabinet's objections that such a broadcast could provoke the Pétain government into a closer allegiance with Germany.

Bruce Belfrage

In a famous incident on 15 October 1940, the BBC's Broadcasting House took a direct hit from a delayed-action German bomb, which eventually exploded during the nine o'clock radio news read by Bruce Belfrage.

Guy Jonson

His first major recital was given at the famous Wigmore Hall, London, in November 1936, and he went on to perform several solo recitals and concertos for the BBC (at Broadcasting House) which were broadcast live on the overseas radio network.

Oliver Simmonds

At the top of the main entrance tower is a sculpture of an angel/airman by Eric Gill who designed and created the famous sculpture of Prospero and Ariel on Broadcasting House and the typeface Gill Sans.

The Film Review

The programme was re-named The Film Review on 22 March 2013, following BBC News' move to Broadcasting House.


Wishing to continue to broadcast the BBC Radio 5 Live show Up All Night, he made an arrangement with WESX's owners to use the studios and ISDN line to connect him with Broadcasting House in London, England.

Brigit Forsyth

Brigit Forsyth was the subject of This Is Your Life in 2002 when she was surprised by Michael Aspel at Broadcasting House.

Mihir Bose

Mihir Bose told Paddy O'Connell on Radio 4's Broadcasting House programme that he went to school with the Indian cricketer Sunil Manohar "Sunny" Gavaskar.

see also

BBC Manchester

In 2003, as BBC Pacific Quay, The Mailbox and BBC White City were being redeveloped it was touted the New Broadcasting House site could be redeveloped but this idea was eventually shelved to create a new purpose-built television studios.

John Tidmarsh

For most of his remaining years on the staff he worked out of Broadcasting House, where from time to time he stood in for Jack de Manio, presenting the popular Today programme.