The broadfin shark (Lamiopsis temminckii) is a species of requiem shark, family Carcharhinidae, found in the tropical waters of the Indo-Pacific oceans between latitudes 24° N and 4° S, from the surface to 50 m.
Shark Tank | Shark Bay | Shark | shark | angel shark | Shark (TV series) | great white shark | Shark Tank (TV series) | loan shark | Greenland shark | Shark Week | Mega Shark Versus Giant Octopus | Shark Trust | Eagle vs Shark | bull shark | Blacktip reef shark | Zebra shark | Whitetip reef shark | Whale shark | whale shark | Watson and the Shark | The Yellow Shark | Shark Bait | Shark? | Grey reef shark | Great White Shark | Great white shark | Galapagos shark | Chinese high fin banded shark | USS Shark |