The Bronx High School for the Visual Arts (BHSVA), familiarly known as Visual Arts, is a New York City public high school established as an art school in 2002 under Mayor Michael Bloomberg's Small Schools Initiative program (officially, the New Century High Schools Initiative).
Bachelor of Arts | high school | Harvard Business School | London School of Economics | Harvard Medical School | Master of Arts (postgraduate) | National Endowment for the Arts | High Court | secondary school | Harvard Law School | The Bronx | Master of Arts | Eastman School of Music | American Academy of Arts and Sciences | Electronic Arts | High Court of Justice | Juilliard School | Public school (government funded) | High School Musical | Museum of Fine Arts, Boston | Gymnasium (school) | Yale Law School | Ultra high frequency | Rugby School | school district | high school football | High Court of Australia | Bronx | public school | school |