
4 unusual facts about Brooklyn Navy Yard

Filártiga v. Peña-Irala

When Peña was taken to the Brooklyn Navy Yard pending deportation, Filártiga lodged a civil complaint in U.S. courts, brought forth by the Center for Constitutional Rights, for Joelito's wrongful death by torture, asking for damages in the amount of $10 million.

Leonard Maffei

Outside of racing, Leonard worked as a ship painter in the Brooklyn Navy Yard, and painted apartments in the famed Stuyvesant Town and Peter Cooper Village housing developments in Manhattan.

Leslie Dunner

His father worked at the Brooklyn Navy Yard and later for the Brooklyn Department of Sanitation, while his mother was a social worker.

Sugar packet

Ben had been a tea bag factory worker, and became irritated by the task of refilling and unclogging all the sugar dispensers in his Brooklyn cafeteria across from the Brooklyn Navy Yard.

Battle of Big Sandy Creek

The supplies needed to outfit the ships had been transported from the Brooklyn Naval Yards in New York City to Albany, New York, and from Albany up the Mohawk River to Wood Creek and Oneida Lake, finally arriving at the Oswego River.

Emergency Relief and Construction Act

The Brooklyn Navy Yard received an allotment of $880,000, marked for specific projects such as $215,000 for repairs and the maintenance of roofs, waterfront quays and docks, and Yard's railroad system.

see also

Pacific Pearl Company

After Kroehl recovered sufficiently from malaria he contracted while serving the Union Navy during the Vicksburg Campaign, he began designing and building a vessel at Ariel Patterson's Shipyard near the Brooklyn Navy Yard.