
10 unusual facts about Turkish Navy

Aircraft Ship Integrated Secure and Traverse

ASIST completed sea trials by July 31, 1992 and production units are in operation with the Chilean Navy, Republic of Singapore Navy, Turkish Navy and United States Navy.

Fahri Korutürk

After his retirement in 1960 from the post of Commander of the Turkish Navy, Korutürk was appointed by the Head of State Cemal Gürsel as Turkish ambassador to the Soviet Union (1960-1964) and later to Spain (1964-1965).

Humanitarian situation during the Libyan Civil War

The ferry docked at the Misrata port on 2 April, and was escorted by twelve Turkish Air Force F-16 jets taking off from Bandırma and Dalaman, four tanker aircraft taking off from İncirlik, and the Turkish Navy frigate TCG Yıldırım.

Kocaeli Province

There are lots of harbour facilities within Kocaeli, including the primary base of the Turkish Navy.

Mediterranean Division

After their arrival in Constantinople on 16 August 1914, the ships were transferred to the Turkish Navy, although they retained their German crews and captains.

Military history of the Republic of Turkey

The Turkish Navy participated with five ships and one submarine in the NATO-led naval blockade to enforce the arms embargo.

Naming conventions for destroyers of the Royal Navy

Flotilla Leaders were generally named after famed historical (and generally, naval) characters and vessels building for other countries that had been commandeered for the Royal Navy were not allocated into the letter system (e.g. ex-Turkish ships received "T" names and ex-Greek ships "M" names with a Greek mythology theme).

Talisman-class destroyer

The Talisman class were a class of destroyers that were being built for the Turkish Navy at the outbreak of World War I but were taken over in November 1914 and completed for the Royal Navy for wartime service.

TCG Kilicali Pasha

She was sold to the Turkish Navy in 1980 and renamed Kılıç Ali Paşa, and decommissioned in 1987.


In the Turkish Army (Kara Kuvvetleri) and Turkish Gendarmerie (Jandarma) they serve as battalion commanding officer, in Turkish Navy battleship executive officer and in Turkish Air Force serve as squadron commander.

Burak-class corvette

Burak-class corvette (Turkish: Burak sınıfı korvet), aka B-class corvette, is a warship class of the Turkish Navy, all ex-D'Estienne d'Orves class A69 type Aviso corvettes, mainly designed for coastal anti-submarine defense and ocean escort missions.

Gulf of Saros

In the fall of 1992, the Turkish destroyer TCG Muavenet (DM 357) was hit by two Sea Sparrow missiles fired by the U.S. aircraft carrier USS Saratoga during the NATO exercise "Display Determination" held in the bay.

MEKO 200

The first order for the Turkish Navy was signed during April 1983 with two MEKO 200TN built in Germany and two built in the Gölcük shipyards in Turkey.

We Dive at Dawn

These two vessels were Turkish S Class submarines that had been part of a consignment ordered by the Turkish Navy from the British company Vickers in 1939.