
4 unusual facts about Bruno Latour

Graham Harman

However, drawing on phenomenology, he does distinguish between two categories of objects: real objects and sensual objects (or intentional objects), which sets his philosophy apart from the flat ontology of Bruno Latour.

Harvey Molotch

More recently in Where Stuff Comes From, Molotch builds on the work of Howard S. Becker and Bruno Latour, to show how objects and physical artifacts are joint result of various types of actors, most particularly product designers operating within frameworks of technology, regulation, mass tastes, and corporate profits.

Joseph Koerner

While writing the latter book, Koerner collaborated with Bruno Latour and Peter Weibel on the 2002 exhibition Iconoclash at the ZKM in Karlsruhe.

The Berlin Key

"The Berlin key or how to do words with things" was written by sociologist Bruno Latour, and it originally appeared as La clef de Berlin et autres lecons d'un amateur de sciences, La Dècouverte, in 1993.

Automatic Press / VIP

Among the notables who have published interviews in are Nobel Prize Laureates Robert Aumann and Thomas Schelling, Bruno Latour, Martha Nussbaum, Peter Galison, Philip Petit, Bill McKibben, Susan Haack, Clark Nøren Glymour, Ariel Rubinstein, Colin Camerer, Solomon Feferman, John Bell, Timothy Williamson, Jaakko Hintikka, Johan van Benthem, Rohit Parikh, Krister Segerberg and others.

Gilbert Simondon

Currently, Simondon can be seen as a major influence on the work of such scholars as Paolo Virno, Jean-Hugues Barthélémy, Thiérry Bardini, Luciana Parisi, Brian Massumi, Adrian Mackenzie, Muriel Combes, Carl Mitcham, Andrew Feenberg, Isabelle Stengers, Thomas LaMarre, Bruno Latour and Anne Sauvagnargues.

Roger Guillemin

The process of this scientific discovery at Guillemin's laboratory is the subject of a study by Bruno Latour and Steve Woolgar, published as Laboratory Life.

see also