
4 unusual facts about Bryanboy


Bryanboy fans often send in photos of themselves in his signature pose—standing with hips thrust to one side and a handbag in an outstretched arm—or with handwritten signs declaring "I <3 Bryanboy"; celebrity participants have included Marc Jacobs, Tanya Dziahileva, Alexandra Agoston, and Rachel Clark.

He has been featured on the panel of Cycle 19 America's Next Top Model, Season 19 as the social media correspondent.

Jamie Keiles

In September 2010, Keiles was listed as #7 on Woman's Day magazine's list of the eight most influential bloggers under 21, behind fellow bloggers Bryanboy and Tavi Gevinson.

Tommy Ton

After his successful deal with Lane Crawford, in Fall/Winter 2009 Ton received the honor of gracing the front-row of a Dolce and Gabbana fashion show, along with fellow fashion bloggers Bryanboy, Garance Doré and Scott Schuman.


Bryanboy |

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