
unusual facts about Buckler


The second major form is a corrugated rectangle as suggested by Achille Marozzo in his Opera Nova.

Ben Buckler Gun Battery

The Ben Buckler Gun Battery was constructed in 1892 as one of a set of three coastal defense fortifications for Sydney Harbour, the other two being Signal Hill Battery at Watsons Bay and the Shark Point Battery in Vaucluse.

Ben Buckler, New South Wales

Ben Buckler is the location of the Ben Buckler Gun Battery, which was built in 1892 and subsequently buried; it was later excavated by the Water Board and then reburied .

Donny Lia

However, sponsorship did not pan out, and instead joined The Racer's Group for the 2008 season, driving Kevin Buckler's #71 The Racer's Group Nationrides.com/Zurich North America Chevrolet Silverado starting at Auto Club Speedway (he was ineligible to race at Daytona because of minimum driver proficiency rules).

Jan Raas

Raas found sponsors when old ones pulled out and the team received backing from SuperConfex, Buckler, WordPerfect, Novell and finally Rabobank.

John Chessell Buckler

Buckler did a lot of work in Oxford, carrying out repairs and additions to St. Mary's Church, and Oriel, Brasenose, Magdalen, and Jesus Colleges.


Bückler’s grandfather Otto Philipp Bückler was born about 1709 in Hilscheid in the Idar Forest near Thalfang, worked as a headsman and a knacker and died in 1777 in Merzweiler.

Rick Buckler

In 1983, Buckler joined 'Time U.K.', featuring himself, Jimmy Edwards and Ray Simone, both formerly of 'MasterSwitch', Danny Kustow from the Tom Robinson Band and former Sparks/Radio Stars bassist Martin Gordon.


When the Spanish adopted the colunella (the first of the mixed pike and shot formations), they used small groups of sword and buckler men to break the deadlock of the push of pike, as the Swiss and Germans used halberdiers, comparable to the role of the German Doppelsöldner during the same period.

SS Empire Buckler

Empire Buckler under tow after the loss of her propellor is the subject of a painting by Montague Dawson.

Susannah Buckler

On May 9, 1736, Susannah Buckler arrived at Annapolis Royal accompanied by two men; Mr. Charles D'Entremont (a Pubnico man who found her), and Mr. George Mitchell (a surveyor for the Crown).

The Highliners

Rick Buckler from The Jam then replaced Ginger on drums having earlier worked with Mike Spencer on the final mix and production of the album, Buckler toured the UK and Europe with them in 1990 and is still involved with the band today.

see also