The Bureau of Prohibition is featured prominently in the HBO period crime series Boardwalk Empire, particularly through the character of Agent Nelson Van Alden.
The task of collecting federal tax revenue derived from the production of tobacco and alcohol products and the regulatory function related to protecting the public in issues related to the production of alcohol, previously handled by the ATF and the IRS, was transferred to the newly established Alcohol and Tobacco Tax and Trade Bureau (TTB), which remained within the Treasury Department.
Federal Bureau of Investigation | Shanghai Railway Bureau | Organisation for the Prohibition of Chemical Weapons | Prohibition | Bureau of Land Management | Prohibition in the United States | Central Bureau of Investigation | Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives | Bureau of Indian Affairs | United States Census Bureau | Prohibition Party | United States Bureau of Reclamation | Bureau of Meteorology | prohibition | Citizens Advice Bureau | Better Business Bureau | Wuhan Railway Bureau | Federal Bureau of Prisons | Bureau of Engraving and Printing | National Guard Bureau | Bureau of Internal Revenue | Bureau of Plant Industry | The Adjustment Bureau | Japan Credit Bureau | Bureau of Meteorology (Australia) | Bureau of Labor Statistics | Bureau of American Ethnology | American Farm Bureau Federation | National Bureau of Economic Research | Elias Sports Bureau |