
3 unusual facts about Burkholderia


The bacteria are identified as Burkholderia, which is a genus that is also found in the leaves of other Rubiaceae species.


Two Pavetta species, Pavetta harborii and Pavetta schummaniana, harbor endophytic Burkholderia bacteria in visible leaf nodules and are known to cause gousiekte, a cardiotoxicosis of ruminants characterised by heart failure four to eight weeks after ingestion of certain rubiaceous plants.

Vangueria pygmaea

The species is known to harbour endophytic Burkholderia bacteria and is known to cause gousiekte, a cardiotoxicosis of ruminants characterised by heart failure four to eight weeks after ingestion of certain rubiaceous plants.

Burkholderia acidipaludis

Burkholderia acidipaludis is a gram-negative, catalase and oxidase-positive aerobic, aluminium-tolerant, non-spore-forming, non motile bacterium from the genus of Burkholderia and the family of Burkholderiaceae which was isolated from the Chinese water chestnut (Eleocharis dulcis) in Vietnam and Thailand

Burkholderia bannensis

Burkholderia bannensis is a gram-negative, aerobic, non-spore-forming, bacterium from the genus of Burkholderia and the family of Burkholderiaceae which was isolated from highly acidic swamps from torpedo grass (Panicum repens) in Thailand.

Burkholderia ferrariae

Burkholderia ferrariae is a gram-negative, catalase and oxidase-positive, non-spore-forming, bacterium from the genus of Burkholderia and the family of Burkholderiaceae which was isolated from a high phosphorus iron ore in the Minas Gerais State in Brazil.

Burkholderia heleia

Burkholderia heleia is a gram-negative, nitrogen-fixing, aerobic, non-spore-forming, rod-shaped bacterium from the genus of Burkholderia and the family of Burkholderiaceae which was isolated from the Chinese water chestnut Eleocharis dulcis in acid sulfate soil areas of Vietnam.

see also