
2 unusual facts about Buryats


Linked also to the Bargas were the Khori-Tumed along the Arig River in eastern Khövsgöl Province and the Angara.

The film A Pearl in the Forest (МОЙЛХОН) illustrates the heavy price paid by the Buryats in the 1930s during the Stalinist purges.


Buryats |

Edward Stallybrass

Arriving in Irkutsk, they soon found the area unsuitable; Stallybrass visited various places before setting up a mission station in Selenginsk (modern-day Novoselenginsk) in 1819, among the Buryat people; he was joined by two Scotsmen, William Swan (born 1791) and Robert Yuille (born 1786).

Natalia Zhukovskaia

Natalia L’vovna Zhukovskaia (Наталья Львовна Жуковская) is one of the foremost scholars working on Buryat history, culture, and religious life in Russia.

Occupation of Mongolia

The Occupation of Mongolia by the Beiyang Government of the Republic of China began in October 1919 and lasted until early 1921, when Chinese troops in Urga were routed by Baron Ungern's White Russian (Buryats, Russians and Japanese etc.) and Mongolian forces.

see also