Cotinusa fenestrata, Taczanowski, 1878, a jumping spider species in the genus Cotinusa found in Peru
Cochlearia fenestrata, the Arctic scurvy-grass, a plant species in the genus Cochlearia
Eurymela fenestrata, the common jassid, a leafhopper species in the genus Eurymela and the family Membracoidea
Hecatesia fenestrata, Boisduval, 1829, a moth species in the genus Hecatesia
Hexatoma fenestrata, Brunetti, 1911, a crane fly species in the genus Hexatoma
Myopa fenestrata, Coquillett, 1902, a fly species in the genus Myopa
Moraea fenestrata, (Goldblatt) Goldblatt, a plant species in the genus Moraea
Neopanorpa fenestrata, Needham, 1909, a scorpionfly species in the genus Neopanorpa found in India
Notoacmea fenestrata, the fenestrate limpet, a sea snail species in the genus Notoacmea
Ocenebra fenestrata, the fenestrate oyster drill, a sea snail species in the genus Ocenebra found in South Africa
Symplecta fenestrata, de Meijere, 1913, a crane fly species in the genus Symplecta
Sphodromantis fenestrata, a praying mantis species found in Ethiopia, Kenya, Somalia, Sudan and Tanzania
Teucholabis fenestrata, Osten Sacken, 1888, a crane fly species in the genus Teucholabis
Tectura fenestrata, Reeve, 1855, a sea snail species in the genus Tectura