After the Gary Webb report in the Mercury News, the CIA Inspector General Frederick Hitz was assigned to investigate these allegations in 1996.
Then on December 18, 1997, stories in the Washington Post and New York Times appeared, stating that Hitz had found "no direct or indirect" links between the CIA and cocaine traffickers, despite the reporters never seeing the report.
These allegations were part of an investigation by the United States Department of Justice Office of the Inspector General.
CIA | cocaine | Crack cocaine | Contras | human trafficking | Office to Monitor and Combat Trafficking in Persons | Cocaine Cowboys | Cocaine | Human trafficking | crack cocaine | Cia Berg | Arms trafficking | Drug Trafficking Act 1994 | CIA cryptonym | Chemical Diversion and Trafficking Act | arms trafficking | Trafficking of children | Trafficking In Persons Report | Mary McCarthy (CIA) | Human trafficking in Canada | Human Trafficking | High Intensity Drug Trafficking Area | contras | Cocaine paste | Cocaine Coup | Coalition Against Trafficking in Women | CIA University | CIA Tibetan program | Astra-Unceta y Cia SA |