Fortunately, most of this was invisible to programmers using high-level languages like COBOL or FORTRAN, and IBM aided the transition with dual mode hardware for a period of time.
Fixed-point decimal numbers are supported by some programming languages (such as COBOL and PL/I).
Some languages (such as COBOL and PL/I) directly support fixed-point zoned decimal values, assigning an implicit decimal point at some location between the decimal digits of a number.
Packed BCD is supported in the COBOL programming language as the "COMPUTATIONAL-3" (an IBM extension adopted by many other compiler vendors) or "PACKED-DECIMAL" (part of the 1985 COBOL standard) data type.
For example if the main target program is written in COBOL but calls assembly language subroutines and PL/1 subroutines, the debugger may have to dynamically switch modes to accommodate the changes in language as they occur.
Historically, fixed-point representations were the norm for decimal data types; for example, in PL/I or COBOL.
Before VAX BASIC (as it was then called), you would only get native RMS support in DEC's COBOL compiler.
When compiling Pacbase code it is first translated into COBOL and then compiled to binary.
As a result, large organizations had enormous data processing staffs, with hundreds or thousands of programmers working in assembly language, COBOL, JOVIAL, Ada, or other tools of the day.
S/SL has been used to implement production commercial compilers for languages such as PL/I, Euclid, Turing, Ada, and COBOL, as well as interpreters, command processors, and domain specific languages of many kinds.
Whereas 'legacy' languages such as COBOL are top on the list for what would be considered legacy, software written in newer languages can be just as monolithic, hard to modify, and thus, be candidates of modernization projects.
The following example shows a comparison of a "hello world" program written in C, and the same program written in COBOL - a language known for being particularly verbose.
They were one of the companies involved in the development of the COBOL programming language.
WATFOR was followed by similar teaching compilers, like WATBOL, for teaching COBOL, and WATIAC for teaching the principles of assembly language programming.
Body shopping in IT originated during 1996-1999 where there was huge demand for people with mainframe, COBOL and related technology skills to prevent systems being affected by the Y2K bug.
Wang was among the first, if not the first, to integrate COBOL into environments built from the ground up to be interactive as well as batch.
A declarations generator or DCLGEN (pronounced dekel-jin) is a table schema used by COBOL programs that work against a database, often IBM DB2 on a mainframe.
According to Pietro Valente, Cobolli Gigli was born from Nicolò Cobol (Capodistria 1861 - Trieste 1931), elementary school teacher and Italian irredentist, to which Trieste has dedicated a Karst trail (the Napoleon) for his creation of municipal recreation centers during the Habsburg times.
Lastly, part 3 is more tedious and may involve multiple programming challenges such as COBOL, REXX, JCL, etc. (depending on the questions set for the year's challenge).
PL/I's default storage class for INTERNAL
variables is AUTOMATIC
, similar to that of other block-structured languages influenced by ALGOL, like the "auto" storage class in the C language, and default storage allocation in Pascal and "local-storage" in IBM COBOL.
Now that Sintran has mostly disappeared as an operating system there are very few references to it, however a job control or batch language was available called JEC, believed to be known as Job Execution Controller, this could be used to set up batch jobs to compile COBOL programs etc.
In 1969 WATBOL, a teaching compiler for COBOL was developed at the University of Waterloo.