
4 unusual facts about CONUS


Cylindrus Fitzinger, 1833, is homonymous with the cone snail genus Cylindrus Batsch, 1789, an alternate representation of Conus Linnaeus, 1758.

Digestive system of gastropods

A number of species have developed special adaptations to feeding, such as the "drill" of some limpets, or the harpoon of the neogastropod genus Conus.

Lourdes J. Cruz

Lourdes J. Cruz is a biochemist whose research has contributed to the understanding of the biochemistry of toxic peptides from the venom of fish-hunting Conus marine snails.


Upon her return to the United States, she was decommissioned on 18 May 1945 for conversion to landing craft repair ship USS Conus (ARL-44) at the New York Navy Yard.


The experts at WoRMS still place this group of species in the family Conidae, the cone snails, but some other experts place the genus in a proposed family, the Conilithidae.

Cellular automaton

Patterns of some seashells, like the ones in Conus and Cymbiola genus, are generated by natural cellular automata.


Con-Br is isolated from Conus brettinghami (aka Conus sulcatus), and is the only known conantokin with a high selectivity for the NR2D subunit of NMDAR.

Conus californicus

Fossils of Conus californicus have been recovered from the Late Pleistocene strata of Isla Vista, California.

First Business

When the US Chamber decided to end its various television productions, rights to the show were sold to CONUS Communications, a joint venture between Viacom and Hubbard Broadcasting.

Great Mound

Great Mound (Marietta, Ohio), at Mound Cemetery, aka "Conus" or "Mound Cemetery Mound" (NRHP site #73001549), listed on the NRHP in Washington County, Ohio

Mount Santa Rita Naval Link Station

The link started in Nha Trang, then came to the Philippines via underwater cable to NAVCOMSTAPHIL, through Mt. Santa Rita to Clark AB and then to the HF transmitter site at the Naval Communication Transmitting Facility, Capas in Tarlac, which transmitted to the US Mainland.

The U.S. Naval Communication Station Philippines

During the Vietnam War, all communications from Vietnam to the United States Mainland were routed first through here by an undersea cable from Nha Trang, then forwarded to Naval Link Station Mount Santa Rita, then to the Dau relay facility at Clark AFB, and finally to the HF transmitter site at the U.S. Naval Radio Station Tarlac also known as U.S. Naval Radio Transmitter Facility, Capas, Tarlac.

see also