
unusual facts about CPL


AML was largely based on CPL, the system scripting language of the original ARC/INFO development platform, PRIMOS.



2005 CPL World Tour

The CPL's "strategic partners", organizations designated to operate regional World Tour stops, also chose to hold smaller tournaments for other popular competitive games, such as Counter-Strike.

Anthony Casamento

Corporal Anthony Casamento, (November 16, 1920–July 18, 1987) was presented the Medal of Honor by President Jimmy Carter on September 12, 1980 in a ceremony in the White House Rose Garden, 38 years after Cpl Casamento's heroism on Guadalcanal in 1942.

The Marine landing on Guadalcanal began in August 1942 and Cpl Casamento made the assault with Company D, 1st Battalion, 5th Marines.

Caribbean Premier League

In June 2013 Courts plc announced their sponsorship of the Caribbean Premier League “CPL’s partnership with Courts is a very strategic and beneficial one to both parties, and we are thrilled about the possibilities that exist for us from a marketing perspective,” said CPL CEO Damien O’ Donohoe.

The Caribbean Premier League (abbreviated to CPL or CPLT20) is an annual Twenty20 cricket tournament held in the Caribbean.

College of Professional Pilots of Canada

It is made up of members holding a Commercial Pilot License(CPL) or higher, as well as pilots currently enrolled in flight training working towards a CPL .

Common Public License

CPL lacks compatibility with both versions of the GPL because it has a "choice of law" section in section 7, which restricts legal disputes to a certain court.

Henry F. Warner

Seeing a Mark IV tank looming out of the mist and heading toward his position, Cpl. Warner scored a direct hit.

Lewis K. Bausell

On one side of the cave, a Marine second lieutenant and several of his men used a flame thrower to force the enemy out while Cpl Bausell and several others waited with rifles ready.

Manning control

29 Apr 2002 Michael Smith, defence correspondent of The Daily Telegraph, and Tom Newton Dunn, defence editor of the Daily Mirror and Andrew Gilligan from the Radio 4 Today Programme, publicized the case of Cpl Paul Biddiss.

McMillan Tac-50

It must also be mentioned that just prior to Cpl. Rob Furlong longest recorded sniper kill M. Cpl. Arron Perry recorded the second longest recorded sniper kill in history from 2,310 meters (2.31km/1.44 miles) with a McMillan Tac-50 which in itself is remarkable considering that both snipers belonged to the same Princess Patricia's Canadian Light Infantry (PPCLI) sniper cell.

Men of War

: The Allied campaign also takes place in North Africa and follows an elite American squad under the command of Terry Palmer and a Cpl. Robinson during Operation Torch as they fight alongside the British "Desert Rats" of the British 7th Armoured Division, other American soldiers, and Henri d'Astier's French Resistance.

Operation Anaconda

The five-man team, including MCpl Graham Ragsdale, MCpl Tim McMeekin, MCpl Arron Perry, Cpl Dennis Eason, and Cpl Rob Furlong, killed over 20 enemy fighters during the operation and were awarded Bronze Star medals by the United States for their service.


The CPL 4-Year Anniversary Event - World Championships - 6/28/01 > 7/1/01

State continuity of the Baltic states

The ensuing annexation of Latvia by the Soviet Union was orchestrated and conducted under the authority of the Communist Party of the Soviet Union (CPSU), the Communist Party of Latvia (CPL) being a satellite branch of the CPSU.

The 7th Is Made Up of Phantoms

Three United States Army National Guard soldiers (MSgt. William Connors, Pvt. Michael McCluskey, Cpl. Richard Langsford) are an M5 Stuart tank crew participating in a war game being conducted near the Battle of Little Bighorn, the site of Lieutenant Colonel George Custer's last stand.

The Lake Superior Scottish Regiment

The regiment has lost one soldier, Cpl Anthony "T-Bone" Boneca on July 9, 2006, fighting Taliban insurgents during Operation Zahar ("sword") in Zhari District, Kandahar Province.

Wolfgang Bodison

He was a film location scout and assistant to director Rob Reiner, when he was asked to take part in a screen test for the part of the authoritative Lance Cpl. Dawson in the movie A Few Good Men in which, accused of murder, he practically coerces lawyer Tom Cruise into putting up a fight in court rather than take the easy way out with a plea bargain.

see also