
unusual facts about Cadmus


According to Pherecydes, Agenor's first wife was Damno, daughter of Belus, who bore him Phoenix and two otherwise unknown daughters, Isaia and Melia, who married Aegyptus and Danaus respectively; Agenor then fathered Cadmus with Argiope, daughter of Neilus.


In Greek mythology, Melicertes (ancient Greek Μελικέρτης, sometimes Melecertes, later called Palaemon Παλαίμων) is the son of the Boeotian prince Athamas and Ino, daughter of Cadmus.

Peisander of Laranda

Among the extant fragments there is mention of Io, Cadmus and the Argonauts, but the most significant fragment is the testimony of Macrobius that states that Peisander's history of the world began from the marriage of Zeus and Hera.

Tim Parks

Roberto Calasso, The Marriage of Cadmus and Harmony, Knopf, 1993.

Walter Truett Anderson

He is on the editorial boards of several journals including The Journal of Humanistic Psychology, Futures: The Journal of Policy, Planning, and Futures Studies, The Journal of Futures Studies (Tamkang University, Taiwan), and Cadmus: The Journal of the South East Asian Division of the World Academy of Art and Science (Zagreb).

see also