Caesarea | Basil of Caesarea | Armeria maritima | Plantago maritima | Arethas of Caesarea | Gelasius of Caesarea | Drimia maritima | Spartina maritima | Ruppia maritima | Prunus maritima | Pamphilus of Caesarea | Muilla maritima | Mammes of Caesarea | Malcolmia maritima | Lobularia maritima | Lasthenia maritima | Helladius of Caesarea | Crambe maritima | Caesarea Philippi | Amanita caesarea | Acacius of Caesarea |
Later, when bishop, Eusebius records (Ecclesiastical History, VI, xxvi-xxviii), he invited Origen to his own country, at the time (232–35) when the great teacher was staying in Caesarea of Palestine.
Julianus declared himself King of Israel, taking Jeroboam as his model, and led a Samaritan army to ravage the cities of Scythopolis, Caesarea Maritima, Neapolis, Bethlehem, and Emmaus.
The manuscript was written by Evagrius and compared with Pamphilus copy at Caesarea.