
4 unusual facts about Caiman

Aleida Guevara

He was in Africa and he wrote to Camilo telling him that he couldn't swear at school, or Pepe the Caiman invented by Guevara would bite off Che's leg.

Ciénaga, Magdalena

Ciénaga celebrates every year on January 20 the Fiesta del Caimán (Feast of the Caiman) honoring a local legend known as La Historia de Tomasita.

Trou Caïman

Trou Caïman (literally "Caiman's Hole" in French), sometimes called Eau Gallée by locals, is a saltwater lake in Haiti known for its excellent birdwatching opportunities.


Some living caimans such as the Spectacled Caiman have a "spectacle", or a bony ridge between the eyes.

Black caiman

It also was featured rather prominently in Amazonia by James Rollins wherein a special forces soldier is eaten by a black caiman after it capsizes the inflatable boat in which he is riding.

The black caiman is mentioned in Matthew Reilly's best-selling book Temple, where they are constantly eating people that fall in the water.

Carlos Francisco Chang Marín

One of his best-known creations comprise the lyrics for Tio Caiman, made famous by the Chilean group Quilapayún.

Smooth-fronted caiman

The incubation period is about 115 days and the female caiman remains near the nest for at least the earlier part of this time, providing protection against predators.

see also