
unusual facts about Cajamarca Region

Antenor Orrego

Antenor Orrego was born in 1892 to José Asunción Orrego and Victoria Espinoza Villanueva in the Santa Cruz Province of the Cajamarca Region of Peru.

Chancaybaños Reserved Zone

The Chancaybaños Reserved Zone (Zona Reservada Chancaybaños) is a protected area in Peru located in the Cajamarca Region, Santa Cruz Province, Chancaybaños District.

Werner Cabrera

He was a Congressman representing Cajamarca for a term between 2006 and 2011, and belongs to the Peruvian Nationalist Party (PNP).

see also


Ichocán is a town in the Cajamarca region, San Marcos Province, Ichocán District, Peru.

Limón Dam

When completed, the project will help produce 4,000 GWh of electricity per year and transfer water from the Cajamarca region west to Lambayeque, near Olmos for the reclamation and irrigation of 43,500 hectares of farmland.