
2 unusual facts about Caller ID

Caller ID

Modems are notoriously problematic; very few modems support the British Telecom standard in hardware; drivers for those that do often have errors that prevent CLID information from being recognised.

Windows Mobile 5.0

Caller ID now supports photos so a user can apply an image to each contact to show when a call is received.

Location-based routing

The location of call origin is normally determined by the outgoing caller ID of the caller but can also be determined by GPS position or signal triangulation, the latter being particularly useful for calls coming from mobile phones.

see also

Caller ID spoofing

In March 2008, several residents in Wilmington, Delaware reported receiving telemarketing calls during the early morning hours, when the caller had apparently spoofed the Caller ID to evoke the 1982 Tommy Tutone song 867-5309/Jenny.

In August 2006, Paris Hilton was accused of using caller ID spoofing to break into a voicemail system that used caller ID for authentication.