Callistemon, a genus of shrubs and trees from Australia known as bottlebrushes
In Australia, Callistemon species are sometimes used as food plants by the larvae of hepialid moths of the genus Aenetus including A. ligniveren.
Stage 1 of the building program was completed in early 2009; including the construction of Banksia, Darwinia and Callistemon Houses, and also the extension and refurbishment of the current Library Resource Centre.
The common name is the Bottlebrush Grass Tree This plant features yellow flowers resembling Banksias or Bottlebrushes, around 10 cm long.
Callistemon citrinus had become established in cultivation in England by 1794 when flowering plants that were more than five years old had been observed at both Kew Gardens and Syon House and younger plants had become available in nurseries.
Crocus sieberi, Phyteuma sieberi, Luzula sieberi, Eucalyptus sieberi, Cheilanthes sieberi, Callistemon sieberi, Badula sieberi, and Hosta sieberiana, though these names may also have honored Friedrich Wilhelm Sieber.