Camille Alphonse Trézel (1780-1860), a French général de division, Minister for War and peer of France during the July Monarchy
After the Polish campaign, as a lieutenant, he was appointed acting aide to General Gardanne, in the embassy of France to Persia (1807–1808); aide to General Armand Charles Guilleminot on his return in 1809; he was secretary of the Committee on Delimitation of Illyria, was promoted to captain (1810), and transferred to the Spanish army.
Camille Saint-Saëns | Jean-Baptiste-Camille Corot | Camille Pissarro | Alphonse Daudet | Alphonse Mucha | Camille Paglia | Camille | Alphonse Merrheim | Camille Claudel | Alphonse de Lamartine | Camille Flammarion | Camille Chamoun | Camille Pelletan | Alphonse Juin | Jean-Baptiste Alphonse Karr | Ferdinand-Camille Dreyfus | Camille (singer) | Camille Silvy | Camille Rose Garcia | Camille Lemonnier | Camille Jordan | Camille Dreyfus (chemist) | Camille Dreyfus | Alphonse Royer | Alphonse Milne-Edwards | Alphonse Legros | Louis Alphonse, Duke of Anjou | Louis-Alphonse Boyer | Camille Thériault | Camille Prats |