The organ shutters for the Cathedral of Milan were painted after 1590 by Ambrogio, Camillo Procaccini, and Giuseppe Meda, depicting the Passage of the Red Sea and the Ascencion of Christ.
In the naves and transepts are several artworks, including a canvas by Camillo Procaccini depicting St. Charles Praying (1585), the Chapel of Madonna del Carmine, also with Procaccini paintings and a Madonna statue at the altar.
Don Camillo | Camillo Ruini | Camillo Sitte | Camillo Rusconi | Camillo Golgi | Camillo Camilli | Camillo Ugi | Camillo Procaccini | Camillo Castiglioni | Camillo Agrippa | Procaccini | Camillo RĂ³ndani | Camillo Filippi | Camillo Bozzolo | Camillo Boito |