The installation was renamed after Medal of Honor recipient Corporal Mitchell Red Cloud, Jr. on Armed Forces Day, May 18, 1957 from its earlier name of Camp Jackson (which continues as the name of another post just south of CRC).
She served two operational tours at RAF Lakenheath, England, with the 48th Fighter Wing; assignment to the 4th Fighter Wing at Seymour Johnson AFB; and as an Air Liaison Officer supporting the 2nd Infantry Division at Camp Red Cloud, South Korea.
Red Army | International Red Cross and Red Crescent Movement | American Red Cross | Red Hot Chili Peppers | Red Sea | Saint-Cloud | Mauthausen-Gusen concentration camp | Red Star Belgrade | Red | Auschwitz concentration camp | Little Red Riding Hood | Dachau concentration camp | Detroit Red Wings | Red Bull | Red River | Red Hat | Bergen-Belsen concentration camp | aide-de-camp | Red Dwarf | International Committee of the Red Cross | Red River of the North | New York Red Bulls | IUCN Red List | St. Cloud | Guantanamo Bay detention camp | Simply Red | Red Wing, Minnesota | Red Skelton | Red Army Faction | Sachsenhausen concentration camp |
Some are still in active use at U.S. military bases; for example, Camps Red Cloud and Casey near the Korean DMZ and Pohakuloa Training Area on the big island of Hawaii.